Established in 2024, our platform is dedicated to providing comprehensive, clinically-focused articles on endodontics, meticulously crafted with a steadfast commitment to evidence-based dentistry. Through active collaboration with experts across disciplines, we ensure a nuanced understanding of clinical challenges, tailored specifically for dentists, with a particular emphasis on referring practitioners.

Embark on an immersive exploration of clinical inquiries and advancements. Delve into the latest insights and research curated by esteemed leaders in the field. EndoTimes stands as the premier resource, guiding the trajectory of endodontics education, designed to meet the discerning needs of dental professionals, particularly those within the referral community.

Join us on this professional journey, meticulously designed to enhance the knowledge and proficiency of dentists. Together, we'll navigate the critical topics propelling innovation and progress, ensuring our content resonates with the exacting standards of referring practitioners. Your expertise and engagement will drive the dialogue and contribute to the elevation of our esteemed profession.

Meet EndoTimes Team!

  • Omid Dianat

    DDS, MS, MDS

    In addition to completing two endodontic residencies and authoring over 70 peer-reviewed journal articles, Dr. Dianat currently practices endodontics at Irvine Endodontics in Irvine, CA. He also serves as a faculty dean at the University of Maryland, Baltimore. Dr. Dianat remains deeply committed to clinical research and the integration of advanced technologies in endodontics.

  • Reza Vatankhah


    Following the completion of his DDS degree, Dr. Vatankhah now dedicates his full-time efforts to research at the Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry, University of Southern California. His passion lies in both conducting research and exploring cutting-edge advancements in pain management and endodontics.

  • Farnaz Younessian

    DDS, MS, MDS

    Following the culmination of two orthodontic residencies, Dr. Younessian currently holds a teaching position at the Department of Orthodontics, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) School of Dentistry. In addition to her extensive clinical experience, she has contributed articles to esteemed journals in the field.